Федерация органического движения "BIO-KG"

Развитие органического сельского хозяйства в Кыргызской Республике

More than 50 farmers in Naryn received certificates on the basics of OAC and PGS

As a result of the training of farmers with the support of the USAID project on competitiveness, trade, job creation, 27 participants of the training on OSH and certification under the PGS Guarantee Participation System from Ortok and 25 farmers from Dobolu received a certificate from BIO-KG together with the FOD. According to the participants, the training turned out to be rich thanks to a lively story about how to grow organic products and certify them according to the PGS system, as well as a master class on the production of organic fertilizer-compost. The trainers told about all aspects of this crop production from sowing to deliveries to the stores of the capital. The exercises were held in the organic aymaks “Ortok” and “Dobolu” on March 1-6, 2021.