"BIO-KG" Organic Movement Federations

Developing organic agriculture in the Kyrgyz Republic

Naryn: Newly recruited farmers have learned the basics of PGS certification

In the organic aymak “Ortok”, the PGS (Guarantee Participation System) certification coach Asan Alymkulov conducted a step-by-step training in his specialization. Farmers took an active part, thus showing that the topic for their organic farming is very relevant. Organics also showed interest in independent work, which had to be demonstrated at the end of the presentation. These exercises were held in the framework of training in the OA “Ortok” and “Dobolu” of Naryn region, with the support of  USAIDCTJ. USAIDCTJ assists in the transition to organic production in the Kyrgyz Republic by expanding the knowledge of 100 organic and transition farmers about the key principles of organic farming and the
standards of the Certification approach to the Participation system (PGS), including appropriate plant protection products and their proper use, biohumus production and quality requirements for organic products.BIO-KG is a member of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements – IFOAM), a global organization of the organic agriculture movement with nearly 800 branches in 117 countries.